
Sound Blaster Audigy2 NoteBook Postscript

For Audigy2 NoteBook Sound Blaster that you report the other day, with a report from the operating status of then.
Singer Song Writer10.0Pro (DAW) arrives on Friday, it tried to work with theSound Blaster Audigy2 NoteBook . For playback of sound, it is pretty good feel, but the input of the sound was not good.
The PC will crash with blue screen and be able to recognize the device as ASIO even Guitar Rig5, when you install the included software Native Instruments.
Once you have completed the installation disconnect from the PC Audigy2 NoteBook Sound Blaster, but with Guitar Rig5, chemistry seems to be bad. If you try to record a guitar or bass on the DAW software, no sound will be out in the middle.
I thought that it was because I liked the sound localization and sound quality, and a device for mastering, to try to evenly divide.
Originally, since the device of WindowsXP era, even just have a good point in Windows7, so this may not do is not satisfied.
This time, you can change the sometimes audio device, it was a good study and stereo sense, in sound localization.

PC environment of our

Dell Latitude E6510
CPU Cor i5 M520 2.4Ghz
RAM 4.00GB
Windows7 Professional 64Bit
ASIO device that you use a substitute. Zoom B2.1u

先日レポートしたSound Blaster Audigy2 NoteBookに関して、その後の動作状況の報告です。
金曜日にSinger Song Writer10.0Pro(DAW)が到着して、Sound Blaster Audigy2 NoteBookで動作をさせてみました。音の再生に関しては、なかなか良い感触ですが、音の入力は駄目でした。
Guitar Rig5でもASIOとしてデバイスを認識できなくて、Native Instrumentsの付属ソフトをインストールするとブルースクリーンでPCがクラッシュしてしまいます。
一旦、Sound Blaster Audigy2 NoteBookをPCからはずしインストールを完了しましたが、Guitar Rig5とは、相性が悪いようです。DAW上でギターやベースを録音しようとすると、音が途中で出なくなります。


Dell Latitude E6510
CPU Cor i5 M520 2.4Ghz
RAM 4.00GB
Windows7 Professional 64Bit
代用使用したASIOデバイス。Zoom B2.1u

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