
2014 last sunset.

In this year of Tokyo, was Autumnal Equinox Day, the winter solstice, and beautiful sunset also the last day in 2014.
Horizon close of the sun, because the sunspot can also shoot, I was able to project well today.
The only only after this year, but to point greeted a good year past the guys and ladys you safe a year.



Today, the winter solstice sunset.

This year's winter solstice, saying the "Saku Tan winter solstice", the new moon and the winter solstice is overlap once in '19, has been a day auspicious for a long time.
The sun and the moon is the newly reborn image on the same day.
If, if reborn world to border the winter solstice of today, I pray that the coming 19 years to "Saku Tan winter solstice" in the next, become gentle era.



About Blogger system failure.

My blog has now recovered, but you try writing I hope to be accustomed to coping tips If the same fault occurs in the future.
Since I have to top the Google page, has the web's Web high and the frequency of use Open chrome. From that published that have been linked, yesterday Japan time that can not be opened my blog PM2: 00 and I noticed the time.
At that point, on the writing of Google +, Topics less information has been limited.
Google's account in the case of I, was able to log in to Gmail and Blogger shared.
After logging in, open the dashboard of Blogger, but it was possible to edit the description of the article, you can also click the "Display a blog", do not find the top page, in situations such as.
PM3: 00 to write Google+ past, I learned that you can browse to be rewritten Blogspot.jp to Blogspot.tw. And, the method was possible.
Perhaps, but will be there in any country, to be viewed to manage their own blog in the neighboring countries bordering server, I felt the anxiety.
Therefore, we search the country domain in the Wiki, it was confirmed that it is possible to connect browse in country domain of the following.

United Arab Emirates (.ae) Belgium (.be) Canada (.ca) Switzerland (.ch) Czech Republic (.cz) Germany (.de) Denmark (.dk) Finland (.fi) France (.fr) Greece (.gr) Hong Kong (.hk) Hungary (.hu) Ireland (.ie) India (.in) Italy (.it) Korea (.kr) Mexico (.mx) Netherlands (.nl) Norway (.no) Portugal (.pt) Romania (.ro) Russia (.ru) Sweden (.se) Singapore (.sg) Slovakia (.sk) no Country requests (.ncr)

Wonder if the last written to have no country request (.ncr) is the most smart connection? I think personally with, but if a similar failure has occurred, and I hope to be accustomed to the reference.





It is a sunset in Tokyo.

Yesterday Today and air was clear, the setting sun falling on the ridge of the mountain was able to shoot.
It does not have the enemy in satellite photograph, black spot until Ballmer was clean.
And those who have reached the morning, to the people who greet the morning now, so will be a good day.



Way of justice

The August 15 yesterday, in the anniversary of the end of the war of the Second World War, in Ota-ku, Tokyo which I live, memorial fireworks to the many victims each year are open.


If the war is done, you think there is a significance to both, but there is a duty to carry out the administrative that the man who came to the side of the winner at least, that it has become a good little life of civilians losing side is safe, felt I think.


The Second World War, Japan seems to have given a lot of pain to the people of the continent. If there was a preparedness falls administrative to have the virtue of the Japanese at that time, the local people also in response to it, it might have been made ​​to different results.


Even in dispute that are happening in many parts of the world now, and without loss of humanity, I hope governance ensure the safety and security to the citizens.
Japan has the selection you want to stretch the right of self-defense this year.
What is referred to as "the right to collective self-defense" is the right to exercise force when it is attacked to the allies side that is protected its fleet and allies, and the Japanese people.
Rather than use for the interests of the strong, this right, I hope sincerely that it is used for the stability of the real.

Day-to-day peace to visit to you as soon as possible.




No woman, no cry Japanese translation

Although it is representative music of Bob Marley,I tried to translate to Japanese because it is lyrics that are common current, the event that is happening in the troubled region Ukraine, Thailand, Syria, and Africa.
My blog is something modest that one day people visit, but there are also visits from Thailand and Ukraine. Us to Him, there is ask. "Please live today. Please do not waste your life for an uncertain tomorrow."


No,woman,no cry

No, woman, no cry; 
No, woman, no cry; 
No, woman, no cry; 
No, woman, no cry. 

'Cause - 'cause - 'cause I remember when a we used to sit 
In a government yard in Trenchtown, 
Oba - obaserving the 'ypocrites - yeah! - 
Mingle with the good people we meet, yeah! 
Good friends we have, oh, good friends we have lost 
Along the way, yeah! 
In this great future, you can't forget your past; 
So dry your tears, I seh. Yeah! 

No, woman, no cry; 
No, woman, no cry. Eh, yeah! 
A little darlin', don't shed no tears: 
No, woman, no cry. Eh! 

Said - said - said I remember when we used to sit 
In the government yard in Trenchtown, yeah! 
And then Georgie would make the fire lights, 
I seh, logwood burnin' through the nights, yeah! 
Then we would cook cornmeal porridge, say, 
Of which I'll share with you, yeah! 
My feet is my only carriage 
And so I've got to push on through. 
Oh, while I'm gone, 
Everything's gonna be all right! 
Everything's gonna be all right! 
Everything's gonna be all right, yeah! 
Everything's gonna be all right! 
Everything's gonna be all right-a! 
Everything's gonna be all right! 
Everything's gonna be all right, yeah! 
Everything's gonna be all right! 

So no, woman, no cry; 
No, woman, no cry. 
I seh, O little - O little darlin', don't shed no tears; 
No, woman, no cry, eh. 

No, woman - no, woman - no, woman, no cry; 
No, woman, no cry. 
One more time I got to say: 
O little - little darlin', please don't shed no tears; 
No, woman, no cry. 

No Women No Cry

No, woman, no cry(涙を拭いて。)
No, woman, no cry(もう泣かないで。)
No, woman, no cry(これ以上。)
No, woman, no cry(つらいことはごめんだよな。)

No, woman, no cry(涙を拭いて。)
No, woman, no cryEh,yeah(もう泣かないで。)
No, woman, no cryEh, (これ以上・・・・・)

Everythin’s gonna be all right!(全てがうまくいくよ。)
Everythin’s gonna be all right! (全てがうまくいくよ。)
Everythin’s gonna be all right!Yeah(全てがうまくいくよ。絶対。)
Everythin’s gonna be all right! (全てがうまくいくよ。)
Everythin’s gonna be all right-a(全てがうまくいくよ。たぶん。)
Everythin’s gonna be all right! (全てがうまくいくよ。)
Everythin’s gonna be all right!Yeah(全てがうまくいくよ。絶対。)
Everythin’s gonna be all right! (全てがうまくいくよ。)

So,no woman no cry,(だから、もう泣かないで。)
No woman no cry,(涙を拭いて。)
No woman no cry,Eh(涙を拭いて。)
No woman -No woman- No woman- No cry, (これ以上・・・・・みんな。)
No woman no cry,(もう泣かないで。)
No woman no cry, (つらいことはごめんだよな。)


シンコーミュージックムック アンプ&エフェクター入門に関して。


機材としては、書籍内で紹介されている物の一世代前のROLAND GP-20とME-20を使うと、あっさり再現できました。

残念なのは、この本のレビューにも書かれていることなのですが、ROLAND/BOSS製品での音作りが基本で、他社のエフェクターには触れられていないので、機材を持っていないと手も足も出ない印象です。そこを敢えてKORG PX4DとPX5D、ZOOM G2で挑戦してみました。BOSSのアンプシュミレーターを他社のアンプシュミレーターで再現しようと言う暴挙ですが、肉薄できました。
KORG PX4Dはちょっと音が硬い印象で、いまいち。
KORG PX5DとZOOM G2ではかなり肉薄できたので、ZOOM G2は後ほど、今回はPX5Dのパッチファイルを公開します。




代表的なエレクトリックギターとエレクトリックベースのアンプ音色をKORG PX5Dで再現しました。音色ファイルとして共有できるので、参考にしてください。

I have reproduced in KORG PX5D the amplifier sound of electric bass and electric guitar typical. You can share files as tone, please refer to it.
Original tone I also contains a number of.




Singer Song Writer 10 Professional Report

The DAW made ​​in Japan, "Singer Song Writer 10 Professional" does not support multi-language, unfortunately.
I can, and this series of DAW, and that we have step-by-step acquaintance with Lite4.0> 8.0VS> Singer Song Writer 9 Professional, there was no hesitation with respect to handling.
Arrange data becomes rich, and editing functionality that can be LOOP the MIDI phrase, enhanced surface also seen.
Has been recorded in the standard of the Native Instruments' KOMPLETE ELEMENTS, "but, for me that use KOMPLETE6, extra degree.
This DAW series, affinity with the VSTi is high, and there was no sound source can not be read on the experience so far. Its affinity seems to be inherited this time.
In real-time input of MIDI, the response of the reaction well. I think it's what you can also emphasized this. It is a such as pitch bend and modulation.
For the recording of electric guitar or electric bass, within the equipment on hand, easy to use well the U series of Zoom and G2.1U and B2.1U, delay of performance am not worried about the.
Compared to the effects software, equipment Since these are also suppressed consumption of the CPU, and is the equipment recommended for DTM. Of course, even with the Guitar Rig using the bypass feature, because it would reduce the noise at the entrance to the sound, the effect is great sound quality is improved.
Even when the user registered, I wrote in to say that expectations of the future, but I wanted a surround sound if possible. I look forward to the future this point.

”Singer Song Writer 10 Professional”は、日本製のDAWで、残念ながら多言語に対応していません。
僕は、このDAWのシリーズとは、Lite4.0>8.0VS>Singer Song Writer 9 Professionalと順を追ってお付き合いしてきたので、取り扱いに関しては迷うことはありませんでした。
Native Instrumentsの「KOMPLETE ELEMENTS」を標準で収録されていますが、KOMPLETE6を使っている僕にとっては、おまけ程度。
これらの機材は、ソフトウェアエフェクトに比べ、CPUの消費も抑えられるので、DTMにはお勧めの機材です。もちろん、バイパス機能を使ってGuitar Rigを使っても、音の入り口でノイズを軽減してくれるので、音質が良くなり効果は絶大です。


Sound Blaster Audigy2 NoteBook Postscript

For Audigy2 NoteBook Sound Blaster that you report the other day, with a report from the operating status of then.
Singer Song Writer10.0Pro (DAW) arrives on Friday, it tried to work with theSound Blaster Audigy2 NoteBook . For playback of sound, it is pretty good feel, but the input of the sound was not good.
The PC will crash with blue screen and be able to recognize the device as ASIO even Guitar Rig5, when you install the included software Native Instruments.
Once you have completed the installation disconnect from the PC Audigy2 NoteBook Sound Blaster, but with Guitar Rig5, chemistry seems to be bad. If you try to record a guitar or bass on the DAW software, no sound will be out in the middle.
I thought that it was because I liked the sound localization and sound quality, and a device for mastering, to try to evenly divide.
Originally, since the device of WindowsXP era, even just have a good point in Windows7, so this may not do is not satisfied.
This time, you can change the sometimes audio device, it was a good study and stereo sense, in sound localization.

PC environment of our

Dell Latitude E6510
CPU Cor i5 M520 2.4Ghz
RAM 4.00GB
Windows7 Professional 64Bit
ASIO device that you use a substitute. Zoom B2.1u

先日レポートしたSound Blaster Audigy2 NoteBookに関して、その後の動作状況の報告です。
金曜日にSinger Song Writer10.0Pro(DAW)が到着して、Sound Blaster Audigy2 NoteBookで動作をさせてみました。音の再生に関しては、なかなか良い感触ですが、音の入力は駄目でした。
Guitar Rig5でもASIOとしてデバイスを認識できなくて、Native Instrumentsの付属ソフトをインストールするとブルースクリーンでPCがクラッシュしてしまいます。
一旦、Sound Blaster Audigy2 NoteBookをPCからはずしインストールを完了しましたが、Guitar Rig5とは、相性が悪いようです。DAW上でギターやベースを録音しようとすると、音が途中で出なくなります。


Dell Latitude E6510
CPU Cor i5 M520 2.4Ghz
RAM 4.00GB
Windows7 Professional 64Bit
代用使用したASIOデバイス。Zoom B2.1u


Creative Sound Blaster Audigy2 NoteBook

The type of about 10 years ago, but I tried to buy in to say that unopened goods at auction.
I creates an impression of the left and right up to 7.1Ch surround sound, even in stereo headphone normal.
Volume is small compared to the Roland UA-25EX.
Sound quality for media player that comes, good and hard, I like.
Because it also supports ASIO2.0, I seem to demonstrate the emphasis on DTM.

音量は、Roland UA-25EXと比べて小さめです。


I has released a VST effect plug-in "Stereo from mono".

When you are playing by reading the Sound Font, or do not have when the monaural sound source is unsatisfactory think a little?
This plug-in is a VST to stereo output monaural sound source.
You can like a synthesizer general, is output from the right treble from the left bass.
It is also possible to reverse the left and right.
If you make the music of dance, bass part, but will tend to bias to the left.
By using the several instruments this plug-in, you can eliminate the bias.
If you want to loosely place the strings of the orchestra, using this reverse mode, you can place a sense of audience and violin, viola, cello, double bass.

Sound Fontを読み込んで演奏しているとき、モノラル音源が少し物足りなく思うときがありませんか?


I have new music release.

It is the Dance Music that was used to main synthesizer that was released the other day.
Now that you have reproduced the musical sound of the bell of the temple which I have been looking, I have been using the opening and ending.
I think it's sound religious many people have in the image perhaps.I am made ​​with electric bass this sound.

先日リリースしたシンセサイザーをメインに使ったDance Musicです。